Personal: Introducing Benjamin

Birthday - Wednesday, March 16th, 2016 at 1:53 AM
Weighed 8 lbs, 7 ounces, and 21 inches long

Reed Benjamin Campbell

Our son. Perfectly formed and molded by God using our genes and DNA. I can't explain how amazing and intense the whole process of being pregnant, carrying him for nine months, and giving birth to him. Our human bodies are amazing, amazing things. God sure knew what he was doing ;)

Today, he is already two weeks old. We've spent most of our time with family and friends. Everyone is smitten with him, I mean like really smitten.  I've done zero business (except a few emails).  Just spending time soaking up this newborn goodness of a son God has given us. [I do plan on writing out our birth story, but this first]. 

Enjoy the cuteness. I hope you don't burst. Also, you'll want to press play to the song while you look. ;)

T H R E E  D A Y S  O L D

-s e v e n  d a y s  o l d -

Personal: Four Years of Marriage // Dayton, Ohio Wedding & Portrait Photographer

This morning, as I kissed Reed goodbye as he went off to work, we talked for a minute about today - our anniversary of fours year. We laughed about how we know we aren't kiddos anymore when, on our anniversary, he goes off to work at 5:30 am, and I'm ready to pop anytime with our son. The past three anniversaries we were off in some beautiful vacation spot soaking up each other. But this year is a bit different, since we're waiting on our son to be born -- and we wouldn't have it any other way. 

It is hard to believe four years ago today, around 1 pm, there was a church full of people waiting to witness Reed and I promise our heart and lives to each other. It's cliche, but it truly feels like it was just a couple days ago. Looking back over the past four years has me in tears. We've accomplished, learned, grown, seen, and experienced the best of times together. Yet during those same years Reed had seen me through some of the darkest moments of my life (while experiencing it for himself too) -- true heartbreak from some of the people we loved the most, family torn apart, marriages destroyed, deaths, betrayal that I could've never imaged, countless tears, and sorrows so deep most mornings I didn't want to open my eyes to the world. I know I wouldn't cherish Reed, my marriage, family and church as much as I do without all those trials. My trust in Reed grew by miles during those times.  He makes my everyday one I'm excited to wake up to, the years ahead promising, and the experiences we'll go through bright. Life is the best with Reed by my side. He makes my job of being a wife so easy.

I would choose you over and over again, Reed. <3

Four years isn't a long time by most standards, but I'm thankful for every day and minute I've been given to be Reed's wife. He exceeds my wildest dreams of what I thought marriage could be and I know the best is yet to come. 

(Clients - don't worry, I'm still shooting as much as ever. I'll be going back full swing middle of April).

[Some of our maternity photos below]

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